>What was the reason for these changes? It looks like a workaround for
some other bug.
it is a nice question after more than one year.
KeRemoveAllWaitsThread was called in two situations. One was a real
unblocking of the thread, if the thread was waiting on a waitable object
which was signaled. The other was the terminating of the thread by an other
thread. In this case KeRemoveAllWaitsThread has worked if the thread was
waiting on a waitable object. If the thread was simply suspended,
RemoveEntryList has bug checked because Waiter->WaitListEntry wasn't in any
list. The reason for these changes was the implementation of the CTRL-C
handlers in csrss.
- Hartmut
This fixes the problem with regedit (regedit freezes after opening a
child window).
Index: framewnd.c
RCS file: /CVS/ReactOS/reactos/subsys/system/regedit/framewnd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -p -r1.11 framewnd.c
--- framewnd.c 11 Oct 2004 21:08:05 -0000 1.11
+++ framewnd.c 18 Nov 2004 21:56:01 -0000
@@ -670,8 +670,10 @@ FrameWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WP
OnMenuSelect(hWnd, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam), (HMENU)lParam);
- if (LOWORD(hWnd))
- SetFocus(g_pChildWnd->hWnd);
+ // I don't know what this is supposed to do (except for
creating an infinite "setfocus loop").
+ // If someone ever figures it out put it back in plz.
+ //if (LOWORD(hWnd))
+ // SetFocus(g_pChildWnd->hWnd);
WinHelp(hWnd, _T("regedit"), HELP_QUIT, 0);
Hey everybody-
I seem to be consistantly running into troubles with
Freetype and Greenville. I suspect the problem stems
from Freetype trying to render the glyph with too many
shades of grey, and I *SERIOUSLY NEED* somebody to fix
Here is a more technical view of the situation, and
the problem:
The TrueType hinting system allows each pixel to be
subdivided into sub-units. There are 81 subunits per
pixel, in a 9x9 grid, with the center being the origin
point. So, it looks something like this:
That represents the total number of subunits, and
their coordinate placements within 1 pixel.
The windows rasterizer determines the 'shade' the
pixel will get, based on % of coverage this pixel gets
from the outline, as does freetype. The problem shows
up, because The windows type rasterizer only renders
16 shades, including Black and White, while the
Freetype one renders 256 shades.
There are only 81 units, however.
What does this mean? It means that under freetype as
it currently stands, if even *ONE* pixel subunit is
covered by an outline, it will render as a shade of
grey--- While the exact same pixel, with the windows
rasterizer, will render as 'white' instead.
This is because "white" is 1/256th coverage, and there
are only 81 subunits-- Essentially meaning that in
order to get 'white' out of freetype, the pixel cannot
be touched *AT ALL* by the glyph outline.
On the windows rasterizer, there are only 16 shades of
grey, so up to 1/16th of the area can be covered, and
still rendered as 'white'-- or 5 subunits covered.
This is why the windows rasterizer produces crisper
images than Freetype.
I don't know how to fix this behavior in Freetype, and
*SERIOUSLY* need said behavior changed, As soon as
Thank you.
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Hi Rick:
I think you mean something like the make xconfig or make gconfig you can do when building the Linux kernel. Hmm I think if that´s what you mean ROS could have a little GUI application to configure the system. I mean to make life easier to non-programmers that wish to build a custom system. That's one of the things Linux users enjoy very much and I think that would be good for ROS too and won't take very long to do. Also if it is done general enough won't have to be maintained in the future. Well at least not that much.
De: ros-dev-bounces(a)reactos.com en nombre de Rick Langschultz
Enviado el: Jue 11/11/2004 6:53 p.m.
Para: ros-dev(a)reactos.com
Asunto: [ros-dev] ReactOS Versions
When ReactOS is built and runs windows executables stabily I think we should have a program for windows that will let you customize the platform like windows ce and compile it with all the features you want. I think that it would be a great idea because of different types of systems such as PBX/VOIP servers, application servers, and domain name servers. This would allow security to be integrated into ReactOS by limiting programs allowing open ports, and Denial of service attacks. Maybe even support for multiple architectures like SH, ARM, X86, AMD64, PPC??? With FAT, FAT32, NTFS, XFS, EXT3, EXT2, and many others. Maybe even a rom based os... Please tell me what you all think.
I'm was fixing some code,
se\semgr.c->SeLockSubjectContext/SeUnlockSubjectContext, where apc's were
not disabled before/after
ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite/ExReleaseResourceLite using
KeEnterCriticalRegion/KeLeaveCriticalRegion access current thread and this
triggers bsod->"no current process".
call chain:
CmInitializeRegistry is called in ke\main.c before the initial process is
What should i do? Add checks for if the current process/thread exist or not
in KeEnterCriticalRegion/KeLeaveCriticalRegion or is there some other way to
fix this?
As someone have stated in the forum, the Roadmap is
YEARS old, could you send me the projects you are
working in, and the expected (realist ones) dates of
That way i could make a new roadmap.
Thankyou again,
Lucio Diaz.
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I am working in a Howto for installing ReactOS, so i
tried the diferent ways for instalating it, but in
recent builds there was no option to install the
Freeloader in a diskete (XP machine here) in the Real
Hardware instalation.
I tried downloading the binaries and copying them to
C:\ReactOS , download the Freeloader image and
RAWwrite it in a diskete, but i could not get the
configuration screen (it worked for me, but maybe not
for others without configuration options)
Is there any way i could install the Freeloader image
and still have a "normal" configuration phase of
ReactOS.? This will help convince people to install
reactOS, not having to touch the Boot sector for a
ReactOS insatllation regardless the OS you have
installed would be great. I imagine something like
1) Download the ReactOS binaries (8 Megs) from
2) Use Winzip to extract them to C:\ that way a Folder
called C:\ReactOS will be created with all the reactos
files(It must be a FAT32 partition).
3) Download the Program Rawwrite for windows and
extract it to any folder you wish.
4) Download the Freeloader Floopy Disk image and
extract it to any folder you wish.
5) Insert a new formated Floopy Disk and Execute
6) Select the image file from the folder you extracted
the Freeloader:
7) Press write, and wait till the program ends writing
the image to the Floopy.
8) Restart the computer booting from the Floopy Disk:
This is the option i would like as user. Copy the
program to a folder, and the use a Diskete to load it.
Usefull both in 95/98/NT/XP and Linux, with minimal
risks for people who fears burning their HD.
But the question, Can this be done?. I have downloaded
the source code but i am lost. Can someone help me
with this?
Thanks in advance,
Lucio Diaz.
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Isn't it possible to call NdisIStartAdaper (in ndis/miniport.c) when the
miniport driver recieves an IRP_MJ_PNP/IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request? Right
now it is called from NdisIAddDevice.
This means the miniport device is started before resource lists are assigned
to the NICs device node. NdisMQueryAdaperResources and
NdisMPciAssignResources cannot be implemented oe won't work because of this.
I intend to move the following important software from rosapps to reactos/subsys/system:
and the following to reactos/apps/utils/net:
Actually there are two telnet applications. Which is better?
If I've left out something important, please speak up.