Ros-dev January 2005
  • 55 participants
  • 118 discussions

RE: [ros-cvs] CVS Update: rosapps
by Casper Hornstrup
19 years, 11 months

Proposal to change .sym files
by Ge van Geldorp
20 years

RE: [ros-dev] ACPI status
by PETREOLLE Sylvain
20 years, 1 month

Re: [ros-svn] [navaraf] 13369: Force non-inlining of ctype functions even in OPTIMIZED builds. Fixes bug #497.
by Alex Ionescu
20 years, 1 month

RE: [ros-dev] msvcrt/crtdll "merge"
by Waldo Alvarez Cañizares
20 years, 1 month

Calling all enthusiasts! Become a JANITOR (Just A Newbie Intensively Training On ReactOS) today!
by Alex Ionescu
20 years, 1 month

Re: [ros-diffs] [weiden] 13346: 1. fixed InbvPutPixels() to save theebx register which caused bootvid to crash when built withoptimizations
by d_layer
20 years, 1 month

multiboot.S patch in need of review, please
by Royce Mitchell III
20 years, 1 month

ROS crashes when installing vmware driver
by Gedi
20 years, 1 month

ACPI status
by Gge
20 years, 1 month
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