Ros-dev October 2006
  • 26 participants
  • 25 discussions

[ros-diffs] [jimtabor] 22523: GetGlyphOutline, large wine port. Still testing.
by James Tabor
17 years, 6 months

Re: [ros-dev] Vote for a code freeze.
by Murphy, Ged (Bolton)
18 years, 3 months

we are back online
by Magnus Olsen
18 years, 4 months

Code Auditing 100% Complete
by Nate DeSimone
18 years, 4 months

Rev 24626 Breaks Linux Build
by James Tabor
18 years, 4 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [ion] 24636: - Add NtApphelpCacheControl, NtFilterToken (WARNING: PATENTED. TAKE CARE WHEN IMPLEMENTING). - Add all the recently added functions to their proper place in the NDK.
by Reuel ben Yisrael
18 years, 4 months

18 years, 4 months

Automated Testing
by Lucio Diaz
18 years, 4 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [janderwald] 24590: - provide a sample configurat ion file - allow other address line resolver than addr2line
by Murphy, Ged (Bolton)
18 years, 4 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [janderwald] 24584: * beginning of a system regression tools
by Alex Ionescu
18 years, 4 months
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