Ros-dev June 2008
  • 28 participants
  • 34 discussions

Trying to push ideas (again:) )
by Alexandru Lovin
16 years, 5 months

Re: [ros-dev] when will I return Magnus Olsen aka GreatLord (gedmurphy)
by Cameron Gutman
16 years, 7 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [dchapyshev] 34135: - Add fontext.dll
by Marc Piulachs
16 years, 8 months

"the input line is too long" bug caused by hpoussin's changes
by Colin Finck
16 years, 8 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [ros-arm-bringup] 34170: - Implement beginnings of Ramdisk Port Driver. Planning compatibility with ISO, SDI and WIM files and full Windows support. - New license for our code.
by Steven Edwards
16 years, 8 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [mpiulachs] 34106: - remove no longerrequired bootsect.mak
by Marc Piulachs
16 years, 8 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [mkupfer] 34109: - fix for missing letter in "DISPLAYSETTINGSUPDATE" - initial version of i18n hives (translatable registry entries)
by Marc Piulachs
16 years, 8 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [mpiulachs] 34106: - remove no longer required bootsect.mak
by Hervé Poussineau
16 years, 8 months

by James Tabor
16 years, 8 months

Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [cfinck] 34051: Build host_wcsfuncs as a host static library, not a target static library Fixes build for all non-Win32 hosts
by Marc Piulachs
16 years, 8 months
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