due to critical load issues on reactos.org, the webserver has been taken
down now for an extra maintenance to address the issues.
Affected services are the following: reactos.org, doxygen.reactos.org
(still reachable but slow), jira.reactos.org (no auth), code.reactos.org
(no auth).
We cannot provide any ETA for the end of the maintenance.
We are sorry for the caused inconveniences.
With my best regards,
Pierre Schweitzer<pierre at reactos.org>
System Administrator
ReactOS Foundation
On 2013-05-13 15:05, ekohl(a)svn.reactos.org wrote:
> Status = NtReplyWaitReceivePort(AuthPortHandle,
> (PVOID*)&LogonContext,
> - &ReplyMsg->h,
> - &RequestMsg.h);
> + (PPORT_MESSAGE)ReplyMsg,
> + (PPORT_MESSAGE)&RequestMsg);
As the Guy Who Officially Hates Casts™, I have to ask: wasn't the
previous version better for type safety? With the cast, an additional
[or missing] & can slip in and the code will compile without complaint.
Hey Pierre!
Nice patch series, that takes ReactOS nearer to being secure. A remark though :
> /*
> - * enable the SeSystemtimePrivilege privilege
> + * Call SetLocalTime twice to ensure correct results
> */
> + Ret = SetLocalTime(&SetupData->SystemTime) &&
> + SetLocalTime(&SetupData->SystemTime);
This is a bit confusing, and the comment doesn't really help. Why would calling the function twice ansure correct result ? Also, this is likely to be optimized away by the compiler, or at least produce a report in static code analysers.
I know this isn't pure chance. Any hint as to why you wrote it like this ?
Small nit-pick:
.\reactos\reactos\tools\getdate.exe is being pulled from SVN even though it
is being generated by getdate.cmd and getdate.c that are both in the same
on the 3rd of May, from 1PM to 6PM CET, the following services will down
due to a power maintenance:
-> ISO upload
-> ISO download
-> Doxygen
-> cppcheck
-> Linux buildbot
-> KVM testbot
-> VMware testbot
I warmly recommend you don't commit during that period then, as
remaining builder, Windows one, won't be able to upload its ISOs.
Actually, I could also take the opportunity of such downtime to take SVN
(svn, git, buildbot master) server down for maintenance as it will
barely harm. I'll keep you informed.
I'll push reminders before it happens.
Sorry for the services interruption.
With my best regards,
Pierre Schweitzer<pierre at reactos.org>
System Administrator
ReactOS Foundation
I am the guy writing an updater for ReactOS. Recent tests show some
difficulties and errors in data from reactos bootcds; mainly reactos.inf:
My program reads reactos.inf, puts the filepaths together and copies
files to the specified positions in folder-tree (I'm talking about the
server's side). It seems that reactos.inf contains pretty weird data;
opening reactos.inf with gedit shows it intact; reading it with the
program gets the following things out (shortened):
" -- 6 -->cache/files/���"
should be "cache/files/inf" (with cache/files" beeing the path of all
cached files, unpacked from bootcd-ISO.
and (in the same context):
-- 5 = system32\drivers\etc
-- 6 = inf
-- 7 = bin
-- �Í = bin\data
-- 9 = media
-- 10 = Microsoft.NET
("--" comes from debug-function of my iniparser).
Is this intended to be as is or not? Could someone please fix that or
let me know whether I should think about doing something differently.
I'm working and testing with Xubuntu 13.04 amd64 - always getting latest
Thanks peope.
Regards Stefan Naumann
I'm not a fan of single line conditional statements.
I'd prefer if we had a style rule for that.
Any thoughts on that?
Am 01.05.2013 19:12, schrieb hbelusca(a)svn.reactos.org:
> Author: hbelusca
> Date: Wed May 1 17:12:56 2013
> New Revision: 58902
> do
> {
> - while (*LoadOptions == '/')
> - ++LoadOptions;
> -
> + while (*LoadOptions == '/') ++LoadOptions;
> *NewLoadOptions++ = *LoadOptions;
> } while (*LoadOptions++);
Let me invite you to the monthly status meeting taking place last
Thursday of this month, 25th of April, 19:00 UTC.
The meeting will be at irc://dev.reactos.org (Port 6667, no SSL) in the
channel #meeting, or as Pierre says. Note that the IRC service will only
be started shortly before the meeting. Your participation passwords will
be emailed to you shortly before the meeting starts, and they are going
to be different once again as they are not stored in any database.
Hopefully it's not much of inconvenience.
If someone still is not getting passwords sent before a meeting - please
email Colin or Pierre before the meeting started to get one.
The agenda will be posted shortly before the meeting, suggestions are
welcome (send them to my email as usual).
Aleksey Bragin