I like and agree with all 4 of your suggestions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Royce Mitchell III [mailto:royce3@ev1.net]
Sent: 17 October 2005 13:32
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: suggestion to close (was Re: [ros-dev] Prelude to voting for the
Testing Coordinator Roles andResponsibilities.)
Here's a combination of various suggestions to hopefully begin to close
this matter:
1) Go with Gé's suggestion and rename our candidates to x.x.x-FF and
x.x.x-CF respectively.
2) TC has no power to block FF - doesn't make sense to do so.
3) TC has power to block CF, subject to be overruled by a vote should a
majority feel it is not critical enough.
4) No matter which way we enter CF, it takes an informal vote on the ML
to drop back to FF for major discovered bugs - but any single developer
can request and be granted a formal vote.
Andrew, would you still be willing to run for TC and continue the
absolutely fantastic work you've done there given these, assuming
everybody would agree to them?
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Hello everyone.
I think there is alot of time and energy being wasted regarding the
Testing Coordinator role, and it's responsibilities. First the
responsibilites need to be solidified. When I started acting in the
TC role, this was the outline I was shown by Alex, and agreed to
I am pretty pleased with the description, and have managed to balace
performing these responsibilities with having a real life, wife and
child included. Seems everyone agrees I am doing acceptably.
I've tried to review the stability of ReactOS about once a week, since
it takes about 4 to 5 solid hours to build debug and release builds,
install them, load test applications and check out regressions, bugs,
and newly working features.
I've tried to keep the bugzilla database up to date, and filled with
"Good Bugs", and I even wrote up a wiki article on how to do so.
http://www.reactos.org/wiki/index.php/File_Bugs. I have tried to
steer people away from reporting bugs in the IRC channel and the
forums. I am usually available on IRC, and occationally surf the
forums for bug reports and reminders.
The last part of the obligations of the TC is the working applicaitons
list, and when Alex and I discussed this, he came up with the example
listed, but it was understood that the format of list was flexible.
This is sort of what the "State of the Repository" emails have been
I am collecting notes on a testing method than can be applied by our
more inclined users, and a way to integrate a "testing database" that
can show the status of apps using reports submitted by users or a
testing team. I am also working on updating the parts of the wiki
that involves testing in some manner, including building the source
(and setting up the environment), using virtual machines to test,
debugging, filing bugs and so on..
Please review and discuss. I would like to have the vote as soon as possible.
Thanks for everyone's support,
<arty> don't question it ... it's clearly an optimization
Freworld wrote wrote:
> If the forum is not the form you like I could include another form of
> website voting. You could also peculate voting mails on the mailing
> list. This project stands on a certain factor of trust.
I personally think we should open up a new section in the forums entitled
Everyone with commit access should be placed in the 'developer' group and
the developer group should be given write access to this section.
Polls should be made using the built in voting system.
Should the 'voting' section should be made read only, or invisible to other
Results should be posted onto the wiki
> Perhaps we should make a vote which voting system is preferred? :)
Although ironic, I think this is the only way. We will need a few more
suggestions first of how the voting system should work.
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This sounds reasonable.
Phpbb can use the feature whereby only a set group can post in a certain
section of the forum, in this case, the developer group in the voting
This also gives the added bonus of being a secret ballot, as Ge requested.
Comments can be made without polluting the topic, and the results can be
written to the wiki.
-----Original Message-----
From: Freworld [mailto:michael@freeworld.net]
Sent: 17 October 2005 09:19
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Constitution
Perhaps we should vote on the website rather than on the mailinglist?
The mailinglist could be used for the discussion about what exactly the
vote will be and to make the vote public with a link (most people don't
look at the website but at the mailinglist). With the new login system
it would be no problem to control that only committers can vote. This
way we would have a clean overlook what decisions were taken and what
was decided exactly.
If there is an interest in this I would implement it into the website.
Casper Hornstrup wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: ros-dev-bounces(a)reactos.org [mailto:ros-dev-bounces@reactos.org] On
Behalf Of Ge van Geldorp
>>Sent: 16. oktober 2005 23:56
>>To: 'ReactOS Development List'
>>Subject: RE: [ros-dev] Constitution
>>Looks good. A few comments:
>>The Registered Project Members can (by General Resolution) override any
>>decision made by the Project Coordinator or the Area Coordinators.
>>the Repository Coordinator and Project Secretary can make decisions
>>"preferably consistent with the consensus of the Project Members". It
>>to me that Registered Project Members should be able to override their
>>decisions too.
>[CSH] Right. How about changing:
>* Override any decision made by the Project Coordinator or Area
>* Appoint or dismiss the Project Coordinator or Area Coordinator.
>* Override any decision made by the Project Secretary or any Coordinator.
>* Appoint or dismiss the Project Secretary or any Coordinator.
>>There is a mandatory 1 week discussion period and 1 week voting period for
>>each vote, with no escape clause. For some votes (whether to release or
>>comes to mind) 2 weeks seems a bit long. Can we change it so that the
>>proposer can ask for shorter periods, with a safeguard that the shorter
>>periods will be denied if a single Registered Project Member objects?
>[CSH] I thought of having a "quick vote" for decisions which are needed
>and now (like whether or not to release now) and not necessarily need to be
>documented anywhere else than the mailing lists for future reference, but
>would you define the two?
>Maybe we could allow the Registered Project Member that calls for the vote
>choose any number of days of voting period less than 7 days, but at least
>days and no discussion period? Any Registered Project Member already has
>right to demand a revote at any time (maybe there should be some protection
>from abuse of that right? One could spam until he/she gets what he/she
>>I really would like Coordinator Elections to be secret (or private, not
>>what the correct English term is). I should be able to cast my vote
>>the candidates knowing on who (or even if) I voted. I believe this should
>>explicitly mentioned in the Coordinator Elections voting procedure.
>>Ge van Geldorp.
>[CSH] We haven't done secret elections before. I could go either way. If
>secret then you put a lot of power into one person, the person that
>the votes (most likely the Project Secretary). What procedure would you
>Ros-dev mailing list
Ros-dev mailing list
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Exide Technologies is an industrial and transportation battery
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Jason Filby wrote:
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 09:04:49 -0600
From: Jason Filby <jason.filby(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Break
To: ReactOS Development List <ros-dev(a)reactos.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
That doesn't seem to tie in with people leaving if
they're not told
that they are right.
On 10/15/05, Royce Mitchell III <royce3(a)ev1.net>
> Would you be so kind as to at least commit your
work-in-progress code
> a branch, please?
> _______________________________________________
> Ros-dev mailing list
> Ros-dev(a)reactos.org
> http://www.reactos.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-dev
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 09:06:56 -0600
From: Jason Filby <jason.filby(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Break
To: ReactOS Development List <ros-dev(a)reactos.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On 10/15/05, James Tabor
> TC was voted for and I consider it closed business.
Wax has the job
> with it!
Mostly on IRC! That's not the way we've agreed to do
> I'm not against you. Just because some of us miss
the Memo does not
make them right!
Well excuse me.
> Before anyone complains, they should open their
minds and read what
> has to say.
Right, and Alex is a great listener.
I am not a developer, but i am an adult man, with some
experience with team working and have been reading
this mailing list since the begining, and what can i
I have seen Alex Ionescu apologicing, often, so yes,
drop IRONY, Alex is a great listener, and NO! it is
not easy to find people who would apologice nowadays.
I saw the loss of focus in this proyect for a long
time, with the largely delayed 0.3.0, and it have
being people like Alex, Filip, Ge, Waxdragon, Tabor...
who took the torch and carried the proyect for a full
I have seen Alex Ionescu as the one in the center of
all discusions, and he could be fast to answer, but he
proved to be as fast to apologice, and that i have not
seen from some other developers.
It IS NORMAL, to have discussions where you are
working in such a big proyect, not everyone can have
the same vision of a whole OS, but what have NO sense,
is to harass people for doing their work well, just
cause there is not a F* paper about their "election".
I thought this was an open source project, so people
commit if they want, if they dont they dont, period.
Harassing people wont grow the developer base.
I have been following this proyect before 0.2 was
released, i even submited some documentation and i
wonder if i have been wasting my time. Sorry if i look
a bit angry, but i AM a bit angry as i see several
good developers force to leave for this kind of
avoidable situations even if i can not (but wish) help
with code.
Good luck,
Lucio Diaz-Flores Varela.
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Hi all
I've decided that now is the best time to step down as Project
Coordinator. The process to vote for a new PC will be - as previously
decided for this type of decision - that only registered committers
can vote.
PS - I've cc'd the developers on leave as to not exclude anyone
I've seen quite a few users propose ideas, such as a new GUI, or new
functionality, only to be told it doesn't fit in with the Core Goal of
ReactOS is all about creating a Win32-compatible Operating System.
Now, later on, when the Kernel is sufficiently developed, we can do
what Linux does, and create "Distributions".
I had a look at the KDE/Ros Thread, and noted that a version of that,
and GNOME may well be available for Windows next year.
If the UI Team chooses to Grow, you can offer, for example mind you, a
Core ReactOS System, with Windows Classic, and one or more
"Distributions", with a different GUI, such as KDE or GNOME.
Same goes for ReactOS in different 'roles'. Offering versions aimed at
Workstations, Servers, or even for Educational/Testing use, would be
feasible down the line.
Just my 0.02c
"I had a handle on life, but then it broke"
Hello All.
Just sending out an announcement that Issue 1 of the new ReactOS
Weekly Newsletter is now available for viewing on
Thanks to GvG for showing me the internals of RosCMS, Bac9 on #reactos
for helping with validation checks, and dnordenberg, again on
#reactos, for offering to help with the Newsletter in the form of an
XML-Based back-end, to come soon.
"I had a handle on life, but then it broke"
Alex Ionescu wrote:
Since it seems Emanuele has not made a post about this
yet, maybe I
should... I have been informed that due to time and
focus reasons,
Emanuele has decided to leave the project for an
indeterminate time
(forever?). I wish him the best of luck, and I thank
him for his
contributions to ReactOS.
I have also talked to Filip lately, and I have
understood from him that
he will also be gone for the next month or two.
Finally, in light of recent events, I feel that it's
also best if I
follow the example and take a break as well. I was
undecided before,
the recent fight over the TC has convinced me that
maybe this isn't the
best place or time for me to apply my knowledge. I'm
bit sick of being
always the one in the middle of a fight. First I was
blamed for always
breaking the tree or causing incompatibilities, and
now I'm blamed for
project decisions as well. I really have too many
things to worry about
in life then to spend my life fighting all the time. I
don't care that
there are 40 people on IRC that agree with me, but
when Jason and Ge,
which are the two most influencial members of this
project seem to be
set against me, then I don't want to cause any more
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu
After being reading this mailing list for over a year
i can really understand Alex,
Lucio Diaz-Flores Varela.
Renovamos el Correo Yahoo!
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Since it seems Emanuele has not made a post about this yet, maybe I
should... I have been informed that due to time and focus reasons,
Emanuele has decided to leave the project for an indeterminate time
(forever?). I wish him the best of luck, and I thank him for his
contributions to ReactOS.
I have also talked to Filip lately, and I have understood from him that
he will also be gone for the next month or two.
Finally, in light of recent events, I feel that it's also best if I
follow the example and take a break as well. I was undecided before, but
the recent fight over the TC has convinced me that maybe this isn't the
best place or time for me to apply my knowledge. I'm bit sick of being
always the one in the middle of a fight. First I was blamed for always
breaking the tree or causing incompatibilities, and now I'm blamed for
project decisions as well. I really have too many things to worry about
in life then to spend my life fighting all the time. I don't care that
there are 40 people on IRC that agree with me, but when Jason and Ge,
which are the two most influencial members of this project seem to be
set against me, then I don't want to cause any more trouble.
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu