Someway i can not avoid thinking this looks like the
milk jug tale, you have 0 income at the moment, and is
much improbable you will get a stable income till the
OS is quite more mature, so why worry with payings?
If you get some money, probably not much at the
moment, you could use for hardware upgrades in the
server if needed, hosting and expo attendance (and in
the last point i would encourage people to share
resources as places to stay where the expo takes place
if someone lives there, attendance of people near to
that world area). I really doubt that 30$ bounty will
atract new developers to implement a feature.
Also i have to point you need a way to get that
income, best from private donations, i sugest
implementing two ways:
- Send a check or paper money to a Fisical Mail
- Using PayPal and credicards.
-Direct bank transference.
>From the three i would use the first :) ...i am
quite paranoid with credit cards and the transference
expenses would cost more than the transference.
Best regards,
Lucio Diaz.
PD: If someday you want to make a ReactOS conference
in a paradise island, e-mail me...
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--- Jonathan Wilson <jonwil(a)> wrote:
> The way to avoid being sued by microsoft (or at least sucessfully sued) is
> not to violate microsoft Copyrights, Trademarks or Patents. (we have to be
> especially carefull what with large chunks of windows out there in the form
> of the leaked NT4 and 2000 source dumps)
> And not to use any information obtained from microsoft under NDA.
Try writting a hello world program in any sort of modern language and you might violate a patent.
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I don't see how this is even possible considering that IntCreateDevice
sets various members of DriverObject... any ideas?
Assertion DriverObject failed at io/irp.c:198
ntoskrnl: io/irp.c:200 IofCallDriver
win32k: eng/device.c:62 EngDeviceIoControl
framebuf.dll: surface.c:49 DrvEnableSurface
win32k: objects/dc.c:663 IntCreatePrimarySurface
win32k: ntuser/winsta.c:351 IntInitializeDesktopGraphics
win32k: ntuser/guicheck.c:57 AddGuiApp
win32k: ntuser/guicheck.c:92 IntGraphicsCheck
win32k: objects/dc.c:748 IntGdiCreateDC
win32k: ntuser/windc.c:135 DceAllocDCE
win32k: ntuser/windc.c:494 NtUserGetDCEx
win32k: ntuser/windc.c:115 NtUserGetDC
ntoskrnl: KiSystemService
user32: windows/dc.c:44 GetDC()
Hi all,
Just thought I would post a few screens. The installer for AIM runs
up until the point that it actually copies files, at which point it
gracefully crashes and exits. Probably not too much more work to get it
working :-) .
Nate DeSimone
I downloaded the mingw gcc 3.4.2 from and it seems that it's
specs/linker script is messed up. By default g++ should link to
libstdc++.a shouldn't it? Well this thing isn't. Now I don't really
understand how the gcc specs file works, but I think that is where it
should be telling g++ to link to libstdc++.a, so if anyone else has any
idea how that file works and might point out where I need to add the
command to link in libstdc++.a, I'd appreciate it.
Just to let everyone know we are now approved to be a 501c3 org in the United States meaning that
we can give a tax deduction for any contributions received for donations to the Foundation. I am
in process of trying to get my paperwork together now to come up with a plan to move forward as I
have never done this before and its been a learning process. Sorry its taken so damn long......
I would like to propose that we get something up rather quickly on and
review/amend the draft bylaws as needed as well as have our first real meeting after Jason and I
have discussed off list drafting a new budget plan for the following expenses.
Bounty System
Retainer for Legal and Accounting
Supplementation of Hosting Costs
Administrative Assistant
Reserve Fund
Just to give you a idea I am wanting to budget whatever income we might have in the following way
80% developers/bounties
5% reserve fund (Mutual Funds, Savings, Etc)
5% legal reserve and retainer costs
5% supplement hosting and misc expenses (expos etc)
5% part-to-full time administrative assistant to help me manage paper work as I suck at it.
Prior board meetings mainly consisted of me telephoning each board member upon the initial
incorporation and we have not really moved forward since that time. Now that we are all nice and
legal its time to hit the ground running. Currently our board of directors consists of long time
developers to ReactOS and Wine
Steven Edwards, Jason Filby, Alexandre Julliard, Brian Palmer and Rex Jolliff.
I would like to get community feedback as part of our bylaw amending process on the current status
of the board and when/if we should hold elections and restructure. Also from people that agreed to
be on the board. Do you still want to do it? Does anyone else? Etc....
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--- ea <ea(a)> wrote:
> first of all, thank you for all the time you spent on the Foundation thing.
> This is and has always been a big issue (or big fear?): how is this
> handled on the Wine side? The only rational reason for a lawsuit is
> Microsft suspects ROS has some stolen code in it that belongs to them
> (see SCO versus Linux). We must therefore be sure our code is clean.
> There could be some funds for paying a code analysis performed by a
> third party (of course we can not ask a MS coder nor a ROS coder to look
> at their code and at ours and say if they differ).
Well so far one thing that has helped is the fact that there is no central authority that owns the
code. Jason and I discussed this when we wanted to create the foundation and it was decided that
if someone wants to turn code over to the foundation they can however in any case we will work to
provide legal defence. Another thing Wine and ReactOS has going for them is the new Software
Freedom law center They are helping out with the Wine project so
we get some level of protection from the amount of code we share with Wine. The real issue comes
in on the kernel and driver side.
I need to email them and discuss a working relationship with the foundation. That is soon on my
todo list.
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Hi James,
--- James Tabor <jimtabor(a)> wrote:
> Paying developers? Hum?
> I don't want to be the bad guy here, but this could push people away from the project. It would
> be
> like going back to five years ago when ROS had no GUI just a command console. Everyone will wait
> for five or so developers to fix things, and trust me it does happen that way in the real world.
> The back log will kick their asses.
See the other thread. I don't think paying developers as full time workers is a good idea. I think
Contracts or bounties on certain projects are.
> Now I have to ask, where does the money come from? If the ORG has no money, I guess it should
> produce a competing distribution CD. This could make M$ happy, so M$ would have a target to
> sue at. Also everyone on the board would become a target as well.
I was wrong in the other email. I forgot we have $25 in the general fund atm which was raised at
LinuxWorld. I expect we can make quite a bit selling CDs, T-Shirts, Etc, if we want as well as
just accepting donations. As for the fear of lawsuit, the idea behind the foundation was that it
was better the foundation get sued and try to have some cash for legal defence rather than some
poor developer in school. Everybody here knows the risk from Microsoft....
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--- Royce Mitchell III <royce3(a)> wrote:
> I think it's important to draw a clear line as to the responsibilities
> of the board as opposed to things that should be decided by all
> commiters ( vs things that the community at large should be invited into ).
I agree. As far as I see it the board should just control the books and thats about it.
> Basically there would be two types of bounties:
> 1) "Directed" bounties: If someone donates money towards the completion
> of a purpose, the money must be made available for that purpose.
> 2) "General Funds" bounties: These are bounties created from the budget
> above. The way I propose this should work is as follows: Anyone with
> commit access can "propose" a bounty. The board would be responsible for
> reviewing the bounty, and if it looks good to them ( possibly amending
> it some ), they would submit it to the body of commiters for approval.
> Obviously the board would be responsible for reigning in the bounties
> from going over budget.
Thats roughly the idea though you have put it in to much better words then I could have.
> I would like to be involved in the by-law development process, or at
> least be able to review them and give some feedback. I would be willing
> to serve on the board, if I'm wanted.
Join the foundation list and we can move forward with a real plan this time.
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--- Alex Ionescu <ionucu(a)> wrote:
> Two issues I see here:
> 1) Developers. Do you mean that each developer will be paid? How will
> this be done? equally shared? Not to sound like an ass, but there may be
> times when a developer does absolutely nothing (read: me for the next
> month), while someone else is hacking away 100KLOC of code. Or someone
> that generally only does little fixes (which can be really useful, and
> is all the useful time he can offer due to work/family/school) versus
> someone which already has assured income and spends 24 hours a day
> working on Reactos. Would it be fair to pay everyone the same amount of
> money? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the issue, but I just want to be
> fair. Besides, I'm sure many developers might want to refuse getting
> paid. Working for free is sometimes a personal choice, and the offers
> certain tangible and psycoligcal advantages. I don't know about others,
> but I myself would feel bad in many ways to receive money by working on
> ReactOS. I would feel as if any bugs ormistakes that I make now have
> monetary losses associated with them.
The idea is to start with the ReactOS Foundation does two things in terms of paying developers.
1. Offers bounties for certain features or bugs in bugzilla. Call them 1 time cash prizes.
2. Acts as a escrow or broker for third parties wanting to offer a bounty. (see 1)
I don't think this will discourage development. There are tons of little features I would like to
see that no one is working on atm where a bounty system would be nice. If I had $500 spare I would
put up a bounty for the 3com driver or for the NMake backend for the xmlbuildsystem. Also single
user contributions could be pooled for a bug. NOTE: I DO NOT WANT A PLEDGE SYSTEM. THEY DON'T
Think about the following
Steven Edwards Enters bug #311337
"Make ReactOS have a 3com Vortext (959/930) driver"
Alex gives $50 earmarked bug #311337
Steven gives $100 to bug #311337
Some random user throws in $200 for bug #311337
Someone decides "hey $350 will pay for a nice weekend at the beach! I'll take it!"
And they start coding. They get a working driver and it passes QA so it goes in SVN.
The ReactOS Foundation then writes a check for $350 to said developer.
> 2) I think expos should get more then 5%. An expo of 4 people would cost
> around 2000$ (assuming 150$/night * 3 nights, plus food and other needs,
> *4 people). Now at minimum we'll probably want to attend a North
> American and a European conference, meaning 4000$. The European one is
> bound to have more then 4 people anyways, so with 6 people, it'll up the
> cost to 6000$. 5% means that we would need 80 000$ in donations. Seems a
> lot to me at this stage. Then again, we probably won't want to pay the
> full cost of an expo at this point, but whatever, I'm just giving ideas
> and I hope they help!
Nothing is set in stone as we have $0 cash flow atm. It will be up to the board to decide on a
final budget. I just want to have a rough plan in place as I am going to start soliciting help for
> I would love to be on the board. I think I have some pretty good ideas
> for moving forward, and it'll be a good short break from coding when
> I'll happen.
I want to get something up on and then have a discussion on the
ros-foundation list on what needs to be ammended in the bylaws and we can vote on restructure,
memebers, etc.
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