Boots but doesnt work because USB doesnt work yet, cant control it :)

On 01/09/05, Robert Köpferl < > wrote:
sounds sexy
But is this realizable?

Emanuele Aliberti wrote:
> Richard Campbell wrote:
>> Well, i don't know about other devs around here, but i don't WANT
>> ReactOS to become another XP.
>> Windows XP typically consumes over a GB of space.
>> Remember NT4?  It took between 30 and 100 mb of space depending on
>> features.  Windows 95?  About 15 MB.  If users want additional apps,
>> they can either download them, or use a custom ROS distro that will
>> include such things.  The source tree is cluttered enough as it is.
>> ReactOS should only include the basic software that earlier versions
>> shipped with...a notepad clone, possibly a wordpad clone, basic net
>> utils, etc.
> Also the Win32 subsystem is not technically necessary. All Win32 pieces
> could be moved off the main reactos tree and included as optional
> linking them from modules. I proposed it years ago. It is not an easy
> task, though, because setup should know that, if the user asks for no
> personalty at all, it should install none (now win32 is by default in).
> Personalities (win, posix, os2, vms, ...) should come on the cd-rom as
> separate cab files and post install procedures add registry entries,
> create directoryes etc. A no-personality ReactOS will be a really light
> OS, perfect for custom text/graphics boxes (you just need writing an
> entry in the registry for the session manager to start your native
> program, which will be the only user program in the box (excluding the
> sm itself).
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