Actually I am aware of the project coordinator. However a USB coordinator really doesn't need to exist because USB is generally included with pcs, drivers to connect those devices to be available for the user would be collaborative efforts on the kernel, device driver, and the User interfacing teams.
There can be many members on each team, and each member of the project can be on multiple teams.
On Oct 15, 2005, at 2:55 PM, Aleksey Bragin wrote:

Why don't you write about the topmost position - project coordinator? What should he do?
And also one missing thing is the one who can actually help resolve such internal conflicts (which really doesn't add to reactos popularity).

Also what you wrote is a bit wrong - a concept of "maintainers" sounds better to me. Otherwise you end up with LOTS of coordinators :-) - device driver, network, user interface, kernel, win32k coordinator, other subsystems coordinator, well, usb coordinator maybe? :-)))

Coordinators should really coordinate (manage) things which they can manage. They can't dictate developers or artists or other people involved in project what to do, but their aim is to help devs do the work they like to do. To help devs have fun at last.
And not end up loosing developers on questions which doesn't cost anything to the project.

Aleksey Bragin.

On Oct 15, 2005, at 11:29 PM, Rick Langschultz wrote:

There has been a great deal of talk lately about coordinators. In my opinion there should be:
kernel coordinator - controls the development of the kernel.
device driver coordinator - makes sure device drivers are written and code managed.
network coordinator - makes sure networking is complete before 0.3.0 or other release.
User interface coordinator - enables the UI is stable and allows users to get a great ReactOS experience.
testing coordinator - this team will test reactos on various hardware bits. They will keep a log of what hardware bits work and those that need support - for instance on Virtual PC (latest Mac OS X) enabling USB support makes ReactOS crash. A list of that hardware needs to be supported -- eventually.
release coordinator - Once a release is scheduled this team makes sure releases are released on time.
web coordinator - this team managers the web aspects of ReactOS. This team is pretty much complete.
and IRC coordinator - this coordinator will keep logs of what has been discussed on the IRC channels. A daily list of main topics will be available on the wiki. This will keep developers up to speed on what is happening on IRC if they are away, or if someone has a quick message for other teams.

These are suggested teams. Each team should have a coordinator and keep a log of information for each team. The coordinators should be able to communicate with other coordinators of other teams. Once weekly they should have a personal chat on IRC or email discussing the next release or feature addition. This is the way my company operates and it is very efficient.

Rick Langschultz

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