He's probably referring to drives >137GB.
Although I do recall seeing that ROS supported LBA48.
On 6/6/05, James Tabor
<jimtabor(a)adsl-64-217-116-74.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net> wrote:
David Eckert wrote:
I think the lack of large disk support is a real
problem here, people
who download and burn the Live CD for example, MUST disconnect there
large hard drives (2GB or higher), I would STRONGLY urge the
development of large disk support to fix this problem, plus it would
also get to the issue of actually installing on new machines which
have no smaller hard drives on them.
Best regards,
David W. Eckert
Please need more info. I tested Ros with 120G, it did not have a problem.
Even the ultra test, build Ros on Ros with a 120G.
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