alpha_one_x86 schrieb:
Lot of peaple ask real soft for do the copy. It's
because soft like
ultracopier, supercopier, teracopier, copyhandler exists.
The target is that's will by 100% integrated and transparent to the end user
(like firefox). The compatibility with ultracopier via the catchcopy protocol
allow use other copier use in api win32 only and asure all copier (which
repect the protocol) interpolability.
And the style of Qt application is 100% transparent. The copy with copier like
ultracopier boost the speed, allow better error management (resume/retry on
error), pause, speed limitation, group the copy list for prevent lost of
Yes, as I said, the idea behind these apps is really great, but I fear
we wont add a app which depends on a biiig runtime like QT in here. if
it would be plain and fas C code, sure, why not. But QT increases RAM
usage, slows down loading of the copy screen and makes ROS depend on it.
I hope you understand my argument, we try to keep the OS small and
adding QT is not the way we want to go. But maybe you can help us adding
the used algorithms and features in our code. We really would appreciate
this. Of course the code will be on GPL BSD or LGPL as you declare it
and your name will be in there too.