Is it possible to implement direct iso boot like the way grub2 does  with linux?
03.01.2014, 18:57, "Pete Batard" <>:

Hi Александр,

On 2014.01.03 12:34, Александр wrote:

   Why it is not mentioned in changelog?

Because it's very new, and there is no new official release of Rufus
yet. This announcement is basically just a call for testing - it's not a
release announcement.

For what is worth, I tend to only update the Rufus Changelog when I go
to BETA (which should happen very soon now), as it avoids users latching
on a feature that isn't entirely ready for prime time, and still needs
some finalizing.

For instance, I just realized that I forgot to add automatic switching
of the filesystem to FAT32, when picking a ReactOS ISO. This means that
if you plug an UFD that uses NTFS, and then select a RactOS ISO, you
might be surprised to see an error message telling you that it's not
supported (but you just need to switch to FAT32, and it will work). So
that's one thing I'll need to fix before ReactOS support can be
considered officially available.

But if you are really interested, you can always check the git log [1],
which gives a blow by blow account of what's coming next. Just bear in
mind that ALPHAs are not automated and only updated when I feel like it,
so there may not yet be a build that includes the latest changes.




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С наилучшими пожеланиями, Александр.