Isn't uxtheme.dll (Common Controls 6, Themeing Service) already designed for this purpose? Programs that are themeable already are linked to Common Controls 6 or dynamically pull in uxtheme.dll

On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 00:36 +0200, Timo Kreuzer wrote:
I think few of the devs ever read the Design forum (???)

There are a some nice GUI designs, mostly done with a drawing program. 
So I thought it would be great to make those designs available inside 
ROS. Some of them (I think kokodin made a good and quite good 
programmable design) could be done by changing the user32 code, but it's 
not a good idea to make theming by changing user32 code. So I had the 
following idea: all code really needed to draw the GUI elements could be 
exported into an external dll (gui.dll or something like that) so some 
basic theming would be pretty easy and still fast. We would only need a 
kind of GUI API that would allow changing most things, but would not be 
too complex.
What do you think of this?
If you think it's a good idea, I would try to outsource the gui code out 
of user32 and try to develop a basic and a secondary (based on kokodin's 
design) dll.

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