On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Michael B. Trausch <mike@trausch.us> wrote:
On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 01:13:47 -0500
Zachary Gorden <drakekaizer666@gmail.com>

> This was discussed amongst the developers.  A fair portion objected,
> and rather strongly at that.  I happen to be one of them.  Its
> "performance" is oversold and its support for Windows remains a
> problem point.  And with the new branching features in SVN, the one
> advantage git does hold that's worth anything to us may well be
> disappearing.

Have you guys taken a look at Bazaar?

Granted moving to it (or any other DVCS) would likely require that the
repository be split so that reactos, rosapps, etc., are all in their
own shared repositories, but I think that this is better than pulling
everything all at once anyway.  You can pull subsets with Subversion,
but it's still a pain to mirror that way.

The big players ATM in DVCS are git and Bazaar, though.  (And hg,
mentioned elsewhere in this thread, is also written in Python and so it
is just as portable as Bazaar is, though I don't know of terribly many
projects using it).  If you switched to bzr, you'd get the nice
advantage of making it easy for Launchpad to mirror the repositories,
and making it easier for people who already use Launchpad and bzr for
hosting to contribute.  Just a thought.

       --- Mike

Ros-dev mailing list

Additionally, SourceForge supports all three anyway, so it could be mirrored easily through SF.