Hi, I am the developer that is currently working on USB in ReactOS.
Problem 1 has already been fixed by Amine Khaldi.
As for problem 2, the usbd driver does indeed have these functions implemented
though i have not looked to see if they are correct. The usbd driver is currently built but
not added to the ReactOS.iso. To have it added, you need to modify
Including the usbd in the rbuild file as a library will resolve the issue.
FYI, Our USB stack is no where near complete.
We do plan on implementing all the drivers in the USB stack.
Michael Martin
> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 10:19:19 +0200
> Subject: [ros-dev] uLan USB driver for ReactOS - query for help if possible
> Hello to all ReactOS developers,
> thanks for great work. I introduce our case first.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> We have developed, maintain and use uLan RS-485 multi-master protocol
> for years - sources traced to 1992 year. The protocol is used by
> multiple companies and individuals for broad range of applications
> from laboratory instruments control, home automation to agriculture
> feeding and milking systems. We started by Linux support. But due
> to customers demand, we have added Windows KDM and later WDM
> support as well. I remember, that pointer to our driver has been
> mentioned as one of little fully open-source drivers available
> for Windows on ReactOS list many many years ago.
> The uLan project homepage
> The uLan driver code can be compiled for Linux, Windows NT KDM,
> Win98/2k/Vista WDM, plain DOS, system-less ARM and other devices.
> The old legacy UART, PCI addon cards and USB converters
> are supported for Linux and WDM version. All builds form same
> sources with unification layer of macros which unifies systems
> to something more close to Linux driver model. The code is
> not so elegant and readable, the portability layers are quite
> complex and sometimes hairy tasks. The traces of old age of
> project can be seen there as well.
> But it works and may it be, it could be some example
> and source of helpers functions for porting of Linux
> USB drivers to WDM model.
> The ReactOS has got to the stage where it is able to run one
> of our user applications utilizing our control protocol link.
> Because I believe in open technologies, I would be very
> happy if the project is usable even on RectOS - even that
> I do not expect that our users could and want to switch
> anytime soon or ever.
> The Open Chromatography Station - CHROMuLAN
> If you think that it worth, it can be added to the
> list of applications working with ReactOS 0.4-git/svn.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> As for the uLan driver. I have maneged it build for WDF with PCI
> and UART support only to run on ReactOS and whole CHROMuLAN
> setup seems to be functional.
> I have even interrest to build driver code with ReactOS to test it more,
> find incompatibilities and continue with 64-bit testing in future.
> The effort seems to be not so far form success. The driver builds
> with RectOS build under Linux when USB support is disabled.
> The build with USB seems to be near as well.
> There are two main problems:
> 1) We need to include usbdlib.h in the driver build, but DECLSPEC_EXPORT
> in this header is not declared/maintained. We use this file
> for next types declaration
> May it be, we should use different include headers, but next setup
> works for years with Microsoft WDF
> #include "wdm.h"
> #include "usbdi.h"
> #include "usbdlib.h"
> 2) If we overcome by some hack problem 1) the link fails on undefined
> references to
> __imp__USBD_ParseConfigurationDescriptorEx@28
> __imp__USBD_CreateConfigurationRequestEx@8
> There seems to be traces of implementation of these functions
> in ReactOS old/disabled USB code. The functions are even included
> in usbd.sys, usbd.exp and drivers/usb/usbd . But import library seems
> to be missing. Am I right? Is there way to use them or plan to solve
> that.
> Thanks for reply in advance. Even that we do not much expect to use
> ReactOS build in production environment the option has value for us.
> It allows to test Windows builds in Linux environment without
> need to start Wine for WDF. ReactOS build even helped us to find
> some real bugs in our code because rectos runtime is more strict
> in some checks then Windows systems.
> Please, keep my email addres in reply, I do not expect (have ability)
> to follow ReactOS development closely between my other duties.
> It is unfortunate a little, that only way to contact developers
> on the list is to subscribe.
> Best wishes,
> Pavel
> --
> Pavel Pisa
> e-mail:
> www:
> university:
> company:
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