GSOC doesnt love us too much, or maybe our projects arent interesting enough. We should sell the importance of the project.
Look the diference:
-Improving our Sound stack.
-Make the NVDA project(open source screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Providing feedback via synthetic speech and Braille, it enables blind or vision impaired people to access computers running Windows for no more cost than a sighted person. Major features include support for over 20 languages) run in ReactOS.

It is the same, but...who is going to reject the idea of giving to impaired people access to ReactOS?Google?And i think it could be a nice social improvement that diferences ReactOS from Windows.
My suggestion:
"Make the NVDA app run and work in ReactOS".(it currently runs,but doesnt work)
And also the next one;
"Creating a special distro for Impaired people called NVD-Ros". (Reactos+NVDA+some useful apps for Impaired people)

Btw, NVDA is a 10 MB app.We have bigger apps running.But of course just Janderwald knows if it is feasible to have it working :)

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