First of all sorry because i dont have idea how to follow a thread when answering one post. And i didnt find any info about how to do that :)

Now about the Topic:
Some days ago I made one Wiki Page which ( I hope) could be useful for Testing purposes. It was created just to share suggestions among Devs and Testers about it. Here it´s:

The idea is to have a Main Testing page which leads to proper Bugzilla reports, (as an online newspaper which sums up the info in Headers and clicking on them redirects to Full description),also it can help to have info of the same App together so we can track working/no working Apps instead working/no working Bugs(which is Bugzilla Work).

To sum up the Wiki page is divided in 3 sections:

1)Testing Apps:
In an easy way we can find which Bugs are preventing the Apps working, and easily redirect to the Bugzilla reports.
I think this is (almost) Aleksey proposal.
The table has the following Cols: Tester Name, App Name,Revision,4 columns for the 3 VM+RH, Bug Installing,Bug Working.

2)Developer Request:
This is a Post-it Table. Here any Dev can write any request (related with testing),so it creates a small TODO list for Testers. Of course it can link to other Wikipages. (i.e : Aicom request about testing Network cards fits here)
I have seen a lot of Dev requests in Bugzilla (i.e: "please test this TestBox", or "please test more Apps which uses Pipes", etc...), there isnt any search option to find these requests in Bugzilla, so this Table could track them.
The table has the following Cols: DEV,Request,Application/TestBox,Way of Testing,Tester, LRT (Last Revision Tested),RESULT

3)Regression Testing:
When a Regression is found a Regression Search begins, or maybe not..because the Tester/Dev doesnt have time enough to begin with it. To avoid losing this info the Regression Testing Table is created, you can fill it with a Regression you have found and other testers can work in it. But the main objective is to Coordinate efforts among Testers, so in Real Time Testers who are performing a regression test doesnt waste time: Testers can see which Revisions are being tested and which is the current Gap so they can guess which is the best revision to test. Also if one Regression Search (by any chance or missing builds ;) ) was left without finding the guilty revision,we will have a GAP for future testing.
The table has the following Cols: Name,Regression,4 columns for the 3 VM+RH,Works Rev,Fails Rev,Current Testing.

Any comments,suggestions,or criticisms are wellcome. For a full detailed description visit the Wiki page :)´s just a prototype and of course un-official.

Víctor Martínez Calvo

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