Hi all,

Here are the latest performance numbers of ReactOS.

All tests done on 800x600x24, except the last one (QEMU + Cirrus Driver) which was done on 16bpp. It does not skew the numbers too much, but it's possible the weird result in the "Lines" test is because our 24bpp path is optimized but not the 16bpp one. I will have 16bpp numbers tomorrow. QEMU B refers to Before optimizations, A refers to after optimizations. All these tests are done with DBG = 1, so comparing with XP is slightly unfair right now because our code is even faster. However, some things are clear:

1) We have greatly improved our fill speed on VBE, as well as H.Lines...but the V.Lines and Line code has not been changed.
2) We beat XP on all the tests except the Lines and V.Lines/Small Fill tests (depending if VBE or Hardware Accel (HW) is used)

Therfore, I think that we should stop over-optimizing the Fill Code now and focus on Small Fill, V.Line and Lines. I think the issue with Small Fill is that it's handled in C, while Big Fill has the ASM code. As for Lines, I don't know what it could be... I don't think that code was touched much.

Best regards,
Alex Ionescu