Casper Hornstrup wrote:
I'd like to close this discussion with a vote.
Should we allow branches (other than trunk) with mixed new development
and bugfixes
unrelated to the new development that is on the branch (miscelanea
branches) ?
[ ] Yes, do allow miscelanea branches
[X ] No, don't allow miscelanea branches
This vote is against miscellanea branches, not against Alex, as clearly
stated by Casper. Alex has contributed excellent code. I saw at work too
how much harm miscellanea branches can do (we use VSS, but the effect is
the same). The core idea behind the branch concept is that it is *off*
the main line. What happened to the Alex branch is an unfortunate event,
but, imho, it is a good thing that Casper asked the Team "Do we need a
bit of discipiline?". After all, this is a good example of a self
modifing system :)
Emanuele Aliberti