I’ve been here before, so before you go to all this trouble of controlling a ros based blog, remember a few key points:


-          Will anyone actually use it? Gé and I went to a lot of trouble to set up the blogging software ~2005, with the promise that many people wanted to use it. Everyone got bored very quickly.

-          It must be kept up to date, it shouldn’t be forgotten about as it is now.

-          We need to be careful of unintentional bad/nonsense/incorrect/damaging posts, since they’re directly related to the reactos site. The newsletters are verified by many different pairs of eyes to ensure we don’t miss anything, ros blogs wouldn’t be.

-          It’s another security risk on top of a very busy server


Is it really worth the effort?

IMO it’s much safer to let anyone who wants to blog do so outside of reactos. Maintaining a private blog is just as easy as having one on reactos thanks to online hosting sites like blogger.com or wordpress.org/hosting.





From: ros-dev-bounces@reactos.org [mailto:ros-dev-bounces@reactos.org] On Behalf Of Zachary Gorden
Sent: 15 August 2008 08:39
To: ReactOS Web List
Cc: ReactOS Development List
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] [ros-web] Developer blog


So aggregation and a blogging platform?  The only catch here would be the Planet software is written in Python, which our web server might not support (looks at Aleksey, time to finally update the system?) and we would also need to update the Serendipity software as it is out of date.