As for the proxy, you could try using java based freenode web client:

Using irc would give you a communication edge, quite important in early stages of development.
As our previous ReactX developer, GreatLord - is away from the project indefinitely, you might be forced to arrange things all by yourself. You should speak with Fireball about your plans. Also, the people you might want to stay in touch are: jimtabor, tkreuzer (win32 subsys) and Pigglesworth (wined3d, opengl).

2009/9/26 Jérôme Gardou <>
Hi everybody.

It's been a long time that I follow this project, even if I was pretty
quiet, and I think it is now time to make my own contribution.
Some of you might remind some attempts to work on kernel32 winetests.,
and it turned out that I needed something more motivational. I found
that reactX is an abandoned field, and so I think that it would be a
real challenge to get things working. I have already some patches, which
get the ddraw initialization a bit further that where it manages to go
in trunk.

Jérôme (aka zefklop)

PS: I'd like to talk with you about that on IRC, but unfortunately I am
behind  proxy which refuses it....

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