Thank you a lot for doing this work.
I extracted the text, put it in the Changelog textarea and signalled all
listening recipents about our new release.
You seem to have some kind of numbering error in it. I didn't manage to
get rid of it, thus i overtook it. I can change it within the next days.
Brandon Turner wrote:
Thank you for waiting. There is a non-technical
changelog / overview at
the top of that article. The change log is filled out pretty well and
i think we have most important things in it.
This the last step in the release? Tomorrow being the offical release
date? Do we need GvG to update the homepage to reflect the new release?
Robert Köpferl wrote:
Brandon Turner wrote:
Don't take anything off the wiki for about 2
more hours! It is
unfinished and mess like you said. Filip looked over the changes and
in general most are right so I'm adding them to wiki. I will be done
in about 2 hours with new formatting and all changes. Please hold
out if you can. I will also be making a less techincal version to
explain things different in 0.2.7.
Thanks, I'll wait for the less technical version to finish.
Either put it in the wiki or send it directly to me or the list.
I'll add it in a vew hours.
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