Hi all!

I've done some research on what can we do to improve our CI system.
First of all, I want to clarify: our CI is consists of two parts: building and testing. I'm assuming here that "build" part is OK for us and doesn't require any improvements in workflow or something like that. So focusing only on "testing" part.
I tried to find some solutions similar to our testman, but the things are very bad on this side.
  • There are some plugins for Jenkins which show a table with test results by each build
  • Microsoft TFS has functionality for storing tests and doing some analysis on them, but that's a no-go for us
  • Jetbrains' TeamCity also has this thing and has a license for Open Source
I use Jetbrains tools at work and like this company in general :) so I decided make some experiments with it.
Some facts:
  • It has out-of-the-box integration with Jira and Github. It works flawlessly (bonus: you can automatically build and test all PRs from team members, for example)
  • Integration with GitHub Checks (that green checkmark which for us comes from Travis&Appveyor right now)
  • Has an interface for filtering test results by module, shows execution time, some statistics etc.
  • Uses JVM for work :) Both master and slave part
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL and some built-in DB can be used for storage
  • Uses own DSL, derived from Kothlin language for configuration (but allows configuring through GUI too)
Adopting iso build didn't have any issues, it just works. But testing requires some work:
  • sysreg2 and rosautotest should be changed to output results in some format which TeamCity understands. It can be jUnit, Google test or teamcity's own format
  • TeamCity has only three states of test: success, failure or crash. This does not fit with our current scheme based on succeed and failed ok()'s count
  • TeamCity can't compare test results between random builds like our testman. It only can show "tests which failed in this build, but didn't fail in previous one". But if we want something more, we can use their API
While looking into the way how our tests work, I've found that by "test" we mean a function defined my START_TEST macro, which does some reporting to sysreg.
But each START_TEST function likely has a couple of further test_* calls, which are not reported in any way. This is a place where the granularity of reporting can be increased :)

Attaching some screenshots of how it look like in general. https://drive.google.com/open?id=17r4PSFmsi2tiF97HHbYGiMCOoKR7VMUF

So far we have to decide what to do now. An options can be:
Looking forward to discuss this on the meeting
