Dynamic IP is not working actually for some unknown reason in my Ros
real hardware as dhcp DISCSCOVERmessage sent to dhcp server (my router)
by dhcp client has no reply ( noDHCPOFFER received in Ros)
This configuration is working fine in window but it is broken in my box
( don't know why it is broken but this happened already once ) .
As a alternative solution I setup Hivesys.inf for static IP and I got
the same dialog problem between dhpcp client and dhcp server .
=> the dhpc client service should not sent a DHCPDISCOVER message to the
server if the IP address is static in Hivesys.inf ( so different of
=> The Ip address setup in Hivesys.ing must be taken into account in
that case.
I have created the Bug 639 for this issue
The test has been done with svn 15447