I'm not Sylvain either, and since David revived this thread, the reply which I wanted to send to the topic starter was:

"Do you volunteer? :-)"


On 14.11.2014 19:39, David Quintana (gigaherz) wrote:
(I wrote this 3 hours ago but forgot to send)

Hello, I'm not Sylvain, but I want to make a note regardless.

Keep in mind that almost all the developers are contributors that work in their spare time. What you suggest is that those developers who donate their time for the project should also take on the task of reviewing Wine changes, and sending patches to them, instead of letting the original author of the patch send it to the Wine patch review system directly, which already has their own set of volunteers.

I understand that submitting patches to wine can be complicated sometimes, but they DO have places where the more veteran developers can help contributors with patches, before they attempt submitting them for review/commit. So "forcing" the ReactOS developers to do this work is redundant, and -- in my opinion -- also rude.

I'm not saying that patches belonging to Wine components should automatically be discarded, as that would be rude toward the author of the patch, and I see your point that it may be slightly faster if he patches come from a known contributor, I just want to make it very clear that since I'm one of the very few people that receives money from working on ReactOS (not sure if I'm the only one at the moment), when you ask one of the devs to do work that you could do yourself, chances are you are asking another volunteer, not a paid employee.

On 14 November 2014 12:56, Love Nystrom <love.nystrom@gmail.com> wrote:

It occurred to me that since we have a lot of Wine code in ReactOS,
there will often be cases where ReactOS patches target Wine code.

Instead of just rejecting those patches, which is likely to make them
never see the light of day, the ReactOS programmers who maintain
our Wine code could act as liaisons, and review/post them to Wine.

I think that would make it more likely that Wine will commit those
patches in a timely fashion, since they are likely to know our liaisons,
and we would gain by a faster turnaround on fixes in Wine code.

What do You think?

Best Regards
// Love