Are you suggesting to start mm rewrite before release? Don't think this would be fast.

2011/12/19 Javier Agustėn Fernāndez Arroyo <>
+1 to Caemyr

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 11:15 PM, <> wrote:
It is NOT a vbox issue. If we release with this bug, it will bite us back for long. Sometimes, its better to delay than to release a bugger.

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011, at 11:08 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
> Op 18-12-2011 22:49, Aleksey Bragin schreef:
> > Try other virtual machines for now, this is the only thing I can advise
> > until it's fixed.
> > VMWare Workstation (Player), Parallels Workstation, they don't exhibit
> > the bug.
> 64MB VMware Workstation 8 (64bit, Win7-ultimate x64) guest hangs all the
> same, on MSHTML.DLL. Takes a while though :)
> It implies:
> - if your machine has low memory you'll run into this issue
> - if your machine has enough memory you might run into this issue,
> depending on the machine/emulator/virtualiser.
> As p1 runs with 32MB and p3 runs with 40MB it's a shame to see p2
> require about double this memory (or up to 512MB in some cases). On the
> other hand, it allows ROS to actually run apps in p3 instead of only
> looking at a nice system tray and desktop picture.
> Best of luck releasing 0.3.14, developers.

With best regards

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