Alex Ionescu wrote:
Gge wrote:
> Hi all,
> Buiding Reactos on a Win98 machine does noy work anymore ( at least
> for me) . It was working several ago.
> The make clean fails as well with these error messages :
> -----------------------------
> tshared: [CLEAN]
> RM] /include/roscfg.h
> trop de paramètres - buildno.exe
> ==== Too many parameters
> fichier introuvable
> === File not found
> trop de paramètres - wine2ros.exe
> trop de paramètres - winebuild.exe
> trop de paramètres - bin2res.exe
> wpp: [CLEAN]
> unicode: [CLEAN]
> C:\Svn\reactos>mingw32-make
> --------------------------------
Yeah, we kind of broke it on purpose because of a bug
in binutils with
relocation data. Nobody has created an easy solution yet, however using
Reactos's CMD.EXE in win98 will work and should bypass this problem..
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu
Thanks Alex,
The workaround you proposed is working fine