i guess this is only for developers, isnt it?  :)

On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 6:35 PM, Colin Finck <colin@reactos.org> wrote:
Hi all,

This invitation is long overdue: Back in 2009 when our German foundation
ReactOS Deutschland e.V. was established, it was merely the legal entity
to handle the small amount of incoming donations.

Today, things have drastically changed: Our fundraising campaign in 2014
as well as the successful website relaunch and 0.4 release brought us
many more funds. By establishing scholarships and contracting IT
freelancers, ReactOS Deutschland e.V. is actively funding the actual
ReactOS development. Apart from that, it is sponsoring and planning the
presentation of ReactOS on popular Open-Source exhibitions.

Furthermore, we have created an English translation of our Articles of
Association/Charter and moved to English reports a while ago.
This finally allows non-German members to join.

Therefore, I'm inviting all active ReactOS developers to join ReactOS
Deutschland e.V. as active members. Needless to say, active members
don't pay any membership fees and have full voting rights at our General
Assembly. We usually have such a General Assembly every year and this is
basically your only duty: Attend the General Assemblies so that
decisions are backed by a strong majority.
The only exception I have to make is that the members candidating for
the Board need to be German speakers to communicate with the
authorities. This is necessary from time to time.

You find the Articles of Association as well as all annual reports on
our website https://ev.reactos.org
To become an active member, simply fill out the application at
https://ev.reactos.org/files/Membership_Application.pdf and send it to
me via mail. You can cross out the "Direct Debit Authorization", this
part is only relevant for supporting members.
Unfortunately, we're bound to snail mail and can't do applications
electronically, because I need a real signature and proof of your
application for the authorities.

Looking forward to your applications! :)



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