The proposed agenda consists so far:
1. Plan for the next month.
2. Next release discussion (when, what version, depends on point 1 of
the agenda).
3. New website status.
Also I didn't hear meeting minutes taker position being filled for this
meeting. Please.
On 27.03.2012 1:10, Aleksey Bragin wrote:
Let me invite you to the monthly status meeting taking place last
Thursday of this month, 29th of March, 19:00 UTC.
The meeting will be at
irc:// (Port 6667, no SSL)
in the channel #meeting. Note that the IRC service will only be
started shortly before the meeting. Your participation passwords will
be emailed to you shortly before the meeting starts.
If someone still is not getting passwords sent before a meeting -
please email Colin or Pierre before the meeting started to get one.
In order to save time, let's choose who is going to be the minute
taker on the upcoming meeting. Volunteers welcome.
Proposed agenda will be posted to this list tomorrow. Please email me
your suggestions.
With the best regards,
Aleksey Bragin.