Your idea Timo seems to be quite nice, but seems to be a longterm plan.Creating an interface for developing takes some time but is a great idea.
The issue is that we should face the problems with Changelog asap.
I still suggest the idea of opening the Changelog for the next release the same day that we release 0.3.11,calling it,as Gregor said, "Changelog for next release", so all the work hasnt to be done in the latest week, and Devs can fill it little by little. Maybe indeed some Devs wont find time in 3 months to add their commits.
In this project there is the " I canīt force Somebody to do Something" statement, and following this idea there is NO documentation "I canīt force Devs to do documentation", there is NO commiting/reverting rules (why?if I canīt force Devs to follow them?), and there is of course NO way of forcing to create a Changelog neither.
So we have to be prepared for a Dev who doesnt want to create his Changelog.If he doesnt want and from the Project point of view it is critical, then we have to find a workaround. Today the workaround was me using my hand and pasting as mad (thanks Ged,dreimer,guys for showing your gratitude, but it is the less i can do if i want a release before end of the year), this workaround is not a proper one and of course it would be painful if we points to have 10000 devs working in this project(one dev ,be sure, will fail). So,we have to decide a PlanB if a dev doesnt want to/canīt complete his Changelog,and until now just the Script seems to be the only solution. To use the Script Devs should follow some formatting RULES, and again we are in the same "I cant force Devs to follow formatting Rules".
So maybe itīs time to begin sending to shit the "I canīt force..." statement and remember that there are Small-Easy-Duties and Rights,for the sake of the project, and if a Dev(which is one of the MOST representatives figures in a Project and should care for the sake for it) doesnt want to follow,then,sending him then to...make the ReactOS Changelog from r1 to nowadays,or (lets him choose), to hell. If a Dev canīt understand this, maybe he should consider the  @ in front of  his IRC nickname. Noone can obligate someone but someone has to show that he cares for this Project.And this doesnīt affect just Devs,but Testers,Translators or anyone who feels as part of this ship called ReactOS Awesome Project.

Hasta las ovejas de Sietes son expertas en Windows 7. ĄConócelas!