Where is the pre-packaged Virtual Box zip file? I could not find it anywhere in the sourceforge download area?

On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 8:18 PM, Amine Khaldi <amine.khaldi@reactos.org> wrote:
Nearly ten years ago the ReactOS Project released version 0.3.0. Today we are proud to announce the formal release of version 0.4.0!

A great deal of work has gone into making this release happen and as we look back it is remarkable to consider how far the project has come since that release a decade ago. This release is both a celebration of and a testament to everything that the ReactOS team and community has achieved together.

Here we document some of the highlights that separate 0.4.0 from not just the 0.3.17 release but also the cumulative achievements that the 0.3.x series achieved: https://reactos.org/project-news/reactos-040-released

A changelog is available at: https://reactos.org/wiki/ChangeLog-0.4.0

Thank you to all of you for having stood by the project for this long and we hope rewarding journey.

For those of you chomping at the bit to check out the release, please go to the download page to get it now: https://reactos.org/download

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"Man is driven to create; I know I really love to create things. And while I'm not good at painting, drawing, or music, I can write software." (Yukihiro Matsumoto, a.k.a. ``Matz'')