Thanks Aleksey for pointing out these achievable needs ;)

>Aleksey wrote:
> Victor - don't be so critical, not every dev has an overview, and
> those who have knowledge about any specific part already commented on
> that.

I hope sometimes a criticism is positive for the wellfare of the Project. If you look carefully the only Devs which answered this guy was GedMurphy,JoseCatena(quite recent dev)and You. And really noone of you(except JoseCatena) were pointing Sudhir to places to work on. In a Drama more than 10 Devs attacks one against others with spoons and plastic helmets.
To create an overview we just need to know the needs of a Dev in his particular area. I can tell to the community what needs to be fixed in my house, my neighbor can tell to the community which room needs a re-paint or need to be construct(I can´t say what needs to be fixed in my neighbor apartment).If the neighborhood write the needs in a list, and a Free-as-a-beer Developer arrives to the Community, he can pick a task and try to fix it.
As Developers werent showing their own needs(Plan A),neither general needs, i asked you for an Overview as Coordinator(this was the Plan B).I´m pretty sure each Dev could have told us a thing to be solved in their houses.That would have created a Whole Overview quite easy.

>Ged wrote:
>I'm not really sure what you expect anyone to say. There's thousands of things that need doing, we can't start listing everything.

I didnt ask for a Thousand list of items,just a couple.Until this morning(and before my latest Email) i did not see a single one need sent from a Developer email. Just Jose Catena´s.

>Contrary to your beliefs, we aren't available to walk every interested person through the process of working out what they are interested in, what their skill set allows and what they can work on.

I didnt ask for a List of Personalized Tasks for this guy, I asked for a List of "Achievable and Concise Tasks" as Aleksey sent in his latest email.
Btw, my beliefs are exactly the same as Jose Catena: "He’s who can tell if it fits his interest and abilities or not.", so he will choose the tasks, not we.So we dont need to go through any working out process.
The request was much simpler: "A-List-of-Tasks"

>The general rule is 'you can work on anything that interests you'. Everything needs work, there's virtually no module that's complete.

1)How a newcomer knows that all the modules are not complete?A newcomer is someone that wants to help but doesnt know which Apartment needs a fix. Put in the Main Door a list of tasks and he will choose one that fits his interest and he will go directly to the apartament number 124,room "Kitchen". But the sentence "you can work on anything that interests you" really means NOTHING,or worse,it means that the newcomer needs to go appartment through appartment searching  room through room,what needs to be fixed inside of each one,totally clueless.
As boring task for a newcomer Dev as working on Documentation for Devs.So newcomers will end leaving totally bored. And we would have lost a Dev.

2)Guiding. Thanks to the "you can work on anything that interests you" rule, one newcomer can begin working in preparing ReactOS to give support to "Veritas File System",something that is maybe not critical or needed in our current state.And maybe it will,indeed,be rejected.We will lose a valuable Dev that maybe could have work in other areas of the System,and a potential foe after refusing his 100hours-patch.
So having a List of tasks in the "Main Door" that we consider basics for now will help to:
A)Newcomer will know that is really helping us, with a high possibility of having his work commited.
B)It guides newcomers to have an operative OS asap thanks to a positive discrimation made when writting a task in the Main Door and deciding not writting other tasks because not needed now.Or writting the latter ones to a Non-prioritary List.

"Easier newcomers find what they need,Easier they will join the project".And currently we can´t apply this rule to ReactOS.

Sorry the big wall of text ;)

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