Hello and good evening,

as some of you might already know, we are close to CLT 2019 again: https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2019/de

For lazy ones: 16-17.03. in Chemnitz (YES, germany that is)

As every year I need at least two, better three ppl for maintaining the booth. This time I will not wait until we really got accepted just to hear from everyone a nope, or not sure yet way too late in the phase. This resulted in asking the community for help (which is a good thing tbh) and that resulted in some bored and feelin useless supporter in the end. Why? Well, a few days before the whole thing took part I suddently had enough main/core members and thus he just sat there and had nothing to do. STILL A BIG SORRY FROM MY SIDE!!

I don't wanna have this happening once more that year. Thus.... check the weekend, ways to get there and back home and then reply to the doodle. Costs to get there are as always a thing we can talk about compensation and stuff. If you need to talk about CLT stuff, feel free to reply here of course ^^

So... lets hope I have the right link: https://doodle.com/poll/krmz8ktt8r85m5y4


Daniel Reimer