I would have to agree with those who don't want the server, what is the point in moving the server? 

On 2/3/06, Alex Buell < alex.buell@munted.org.uk> wrote:
On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 19:05:28 +0100 Martin Fuchs < fuchs.martin@gmail.com>
waved a wand and this message magically appeared:

> > Sylpheed's pretty good, but I disable html because it's a waste of
> > space and is against all RFC internet standards. Just because Microsoft
> > lets you do it doesn't mean it's right.
> Please carefully re-read RFC2822, RFC2045, RFC2046 and RFC2049 before
> posting such predications. MIME encapsulated HTML mails are part of
> the standard. However that doesn't mean one should use them on mailing
> lists. They are quite handy for birthday greeting cards and so on...
> ;-)

In the past, HTML have been used to insert viruses and attack PCs.


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