I like Ged idea, but maybe it would be more flexible using:



<notepad>Converted the application to Unicode@bugXXXX</notepad>


<user32>Fixed a crash highlighted via  adobe acrobat</user32>


Why i like this approach?:

*Open and close HTML tags helps to be sure the Commiter wrote a correct Module.

*The Script could be written to understand <notepad>Blablalba</notepfasdfasdfadfa>.

Script would check both Tags and if they arent the same, then it will compare with the list of modules.

If one of the Tags exists then the line will be written in that Module. This avoids small errors as <notepad>bla</notpad>

If none exists or both exists then the line will be dropped and an Email sent to the commiter.

*I think the <changelog> Tag isnt needed since it´s obvious which lines has to go to the Changelog(those between Tags)

*Maybe we can use the script to send a comment to the Bugzilla Bugreport asking for retesting when a Bug number is added.


About the other ideas:

-Using the "First capital letter" plus a ":" as Sarocet suggest is too easy to confuse.You can create a Frustation Message as "WTF Boys: Dont you know C?".

Or forget the "capital" or the ":" in a sentence which has to go to the changelog.

-About Marc Piulachs idea, i think it is quite nice too, btw is needed a "Bug" reference as he suggest. 

That is my 2 cents

Víctor Martínez

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