Actually there's quite a few people running reactos on their main machine from a second hdd from time to time.

Having a telnet server running by default on a system that is automatically connected to the internet without a firewall, doesn't have any user authentication or limited accounts, has full access to all of the PC's hardware and tends to be quite buggy doesn't sound like a great idea. Let's not start with sloppyness in this area.
Please disable. 90% of people don't use it anyway, and I'm quite sure it isn't enabled by default on a Windows server.


Steven Edwards schrieb:
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Ged <> wrote:
In my opinion, this shouldn�t even be in trunk it should be in rosapps.

Why not? Its a default part of Windows Server.

As for leaving it disabled by default, in a normal production world I
would agree but anyone running ReactOS in any sort of critical
environment in its current state should be forever banned from
touching a computer. If your really paranoid about it though then this
is a good excuse for me to start working on adding authentication to