Thank You for understanding, Adam!

Here's an off-topic for all of You, my Brothers in Arms ..

Happy listening.

// Love

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Adam <> wrote:
I know exactly what you mean. I live with autism (although not severe) and depression and it's not good stuff that these things occur. I have seen your past mails and they are not too shabby.

Allocating time is a hard thing because unlike ReactOS I do not have a priority-driven round-robin scheduler.

Hope you get better soon mate.

On Sun, 03 Apr 2011 16:55:38 +1000, Love Nystrom <> wrote:

As a side note, my shitty RL situation is largely responsible for my occasional tantrums,
for which I am truly sorry. Taking my RL frustrations out on my Brothers In Arms is *unfair*.
I am trying hard to find a more stable RL solution that will allow me to allocate time to ReactOS
coding, but nothing is yet for certain .. all just a glimmer of hope.