I don't think this has anything to do with amount of memory.
Just glancing at the assert, I think that the vbox video driver that got installed was for made for win2008, in which MmFreeContiguousMemory can be called at IRQL<=DISPATCH_LEVEL. In reactos we Are using PAGED_CODE, which causes the assert. We should remove it as we are shooting for win2008.

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 22:30:44 +0200
From: elhoir@gmail.com
To: ros-dev@reactos.org
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] ASSERT while shutting down ReactOS with VirtualBox Guest Additions installed

its official build
i will try to regtest....

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Olaf Siejka <caemyr@gmail.com> wrote:
Is it official build or your own? Could you regress-test it to precise revision when it got broken?

2010/9/16 Javier Agustėn Fernāndez Arroyo <elhoir@gmail.com>
16 MB, default, i did not touch it

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Olaf Siejka <caemyr@gmail.com> wrote:
How much mem did you assign to video card?


2010/9/16 Javier Agustėn Fernāndez Arroyo <elhoir@gmail.com>
steps to reproduce are:

1.- Install VBox guest additions
2.- Change color depth to 32-bit
3.- reboot
4.- Once rebooted in 32-bit color depth mode, shutdown ReactOS

ReactOS will crash

2010/9/16 Javier Agustėn Fernāndez Arroyo <elhoir@gmail.com>


this is to sir_richard, mostly,

i got this crash (assert) when shutting down ReactOS with the VirtualBox Guest Additions installed.
i think the video driver is guilty for some reason i cannot understand... probably you know :)


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