I agree...

On 5/22/06, Mike Swanson <mikeonthecomputer@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday 22 May 2006 10:52, David Johnson wrote:
> I like #2.
> On 5/22/06, mf < mf@mufunyo.net> wrote:
> > WaxDragon wrote:
> > > I have the UIC's approval.
> >
> > I never approved it to be non-user-selectable in the first place.
> >
> > IRC log (18 Apr 2006):
> > 22:27 -!- Irssi: Starting query in FreeNode with Christoph_vW
> > 22:27 <Christoph_vW> http://www.ApiViewer.de/downloads/test.png
> > 23:02 <Christoph_vW> http://www.ApiViewer.de/downloads/test2.png

No complaints from me, I like the first one best; a plain Windows 2000 copy
was pretty boring. But yes, it should be user-selectable. How about a window
manager as flexible as all the Unix ones (fvwm, kwin, etc)? Just make it easy
for people that aren't going to tweak it so much! :)
Ros-dev mailing list

Dave Johnson
http://www.davefilms.us DaveFILMS®
http://thevoicezone.us The Voice Zone™
Voice Talent
Writer, Producer, Director
Independent Audio Theater Producer
Member of the Darker Projects team.
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