Just a friendly reminder.
The remaining time to participate becomes lesser and lesser. I still think we have good chances as this is organized by heise and they published much news about ros in the last year, so I think they are really interested. Here an English link: http://developerworld.heise.de/en/call-for-papers/

Am 04.12.2014 09:50 schrieb "Thomas Mueller" <mueller6723@twc.com>:
> Hey guys,

> I previously talked to daniel and colin about this thing and colin told me
> to write a mail to this list.

> I read about a big chance for the preject to show a presentation at the
> CeBIT, the biggest german IT convention.

> Sadly, I only have links to german websites but maybe you are satisfied
> with google translation.

> Here they are:

> http://www.golem.de/news/call-for-papers-open-source-forum-sucht-experten-fuer-cebit-2015-1412-110879.html

> http://www.linux-magazin.de/NEWS/Call-for-Papers-Open-Source-Forum-auf-der-CeBIT-2015

> This would be a big chance for the project as there are people from all
> over the world and a bigger audience than the one of all Linux days
> together could learn about the project.

> Best Regards

> Robert

Sounds like a great idea.  ReactOS could use the publicity, and it might recruit more developers to ReactOS.

I have read about CeBIT on heise online (www.heise.de).


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