I'll try VMware Server. The strange thing is that only the SVN versions fail, the official 0.3.0 release works fine. Being the poor college student I am with a nice apartment and new car payment, its hard to afford the more nicer software :)

On 11/11/06, Oliver Schneider <Borbarad@gmxpro.net> wrote:
> (VMWARE Server is free and working like the workstations version
> diffent is u can run more virtual machine same time, and connect
> to them from a another compuer if u like).
And you don't have shared folders and more than one snapshot. VMWare Server (free version) sucks.

Strange I don't see anyone mention Parallels, which unlike VMWare has VMX support already in the 32bit version.

May the source be with you, stranger ;)

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