Ahh, it cannot be, what must not be?
Lets not apply patches now, so that when we enter the regular
development phase everyone can deal with them as usual: happily ignore
them. I'm sure they'll be outdated sooner or later anyway, so we don't
need to apply them at all.
Lets not fix high priority bugs, because if they are not fixed already,
they can't be of high priority, amirite?
And about regressions: When they are not fixed by now, they are probably
worth keeping them for the next release.
Lets instead do nothing, branch and release right away, because trunk
boots, that should be enough.
Or lets do some wine syncs before, maybe that fixes some of ours bugs.
Seriously, the situation simply isn't the way you'd like it. That means
we need to encourage devs in certain phases to do bugfixing and patch
comitting instead of the stuff that they would usually prefer working
on. Before a release is probably the best time, since open development
aka rewrites & co should be on hold anyway.
But as you like it. I can go on with MSVC fixes for the rest of the
month ;-)