Am 24.08.2011 11:30, schrieb Aleksey Bragin:
this is a reminder about the Status meeting, which is to happen
tomorrow, 25th of August at 19:00 UTC. Please don't miss it.
Proposed agenda for the meeting:
1. Arwinss adoption voting.
2. CMake adoption voting.
3. Release preparation status report, deciding on the next release date.
4. Driver signing. Discussing possible threats and deciding on an
official position wrt driver signing in future.
4. Party related to GSoC results.
I propose to move individual devs status reports to ros-dev mailing
list, because there is no reason to just sit in the irc channel and
listen to them for hours.
List of participants:
- Giannis Adamopoulos (smiley1_)
- Johannes Anderwald (janderwald)
I wont be here on Thursday.
kind regards,