I've tried my best to make a working implementaiton of
StackAttach/StackDetach, because it's almost one of the most important
APIs in NT5+ Drivers. I think I've got Detach working properly, but
Attach will require some changes to KeAttach itself so that it can save
the old ApcState & other things. I might get around to fixing it, but at
least the API should work now and allow more drivers to run sucesfully.
Also, if any Intel experts woudl like to check out KeFlushCurrentTb... I
followed the Intel Manual specs, just want to make sure I did it
properly...my GNU Assembler syntax sucks.
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu
ion(a)cvs.reactos.com wrote:
Module name: reactos
Repository: reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/
Changes by: ion(a)mok.osexperts.com 04/10/12 18:42:15
Modified files:
reactos/include/ddk/: kefuncs.h
reactos/ntoskrnl/: Makefile.i386
reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/: ke.h ps.h
reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/: apc.c device.c dpc.c kthread.c process.c
Log message:
Implemented KeAreApcsDisabled, KeFlushEntireTb, KeIsExecutingDpc,
KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable, KeQueryPriorityThread, KeRevertToUserAffinityThread,
KeSetIdealProcessorThread, KeSetSystemAffinityThread, KeTerminateThread,
KeStackAttachProcess, KeUnstackDetachProcess
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