April Meeting Minutes

20:05 UTC
Freenode, #reactos-meeting


Adam Stachowicz
Aleksey Bragin
Amine Khaldi
Art Yerkes
Daniel Reimer
Gabriel Ilardi
Ged Murphy
Giannis Adamopoulos
Gregor Schneider
Hervé Poussineau
James Tabor
Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo
Johannes Anderwald
Maciej Białas
Matthias Kupfer
Olaf Siejka
Pierre Schweitzer
Rafał Harabień
Samuel Serapion
Timo Kreuzer
Victor Martinez
Ziliang Guo


○ Meeting called to order at 20:05 UTC by Aleksey Bragin

○ Point 1 in the agenda: GSoC status update

■ Amine mentioned that ReactOS has 6 slots this year, and that a great care was put in the accepted projects selection with focus on UI and stability, with the goal to release 0.4 shortly after a successful GSoC. He also mentioned that the students will be granted commit access to official branches, so that the community can follow their progress. Ged and Amine asked the present members to do their best to help the students in any way, not leaving them only to their mentors, and asked the students not to hesitate to request help from anyone.

○ Point 2: Current ReactOS work

■ Amine: GSoC related tasks and coordination, CMake branch regression tracking and fixing, with the help of Igor and Rafał, still into the website revamp and the ideas around it.
■ Olaf: He has just updated VBox testbot to VBox 4.0.6, and with the great help of Fireball and hackdog he finally got sysreg for it done as well. Olaf also mentioned that our stdio problem of sysreg turned into another less visible one, VBox serial output problem, typically for heavy text output on virtual com via pipes.. The log is very good, but sometimes short parts of text are relocated, like in http://www.reactos.org/testman/detail.php?id=1763684. As a result of these efforts, test repetitions should be more rare. He also suggested to try to run it via com0com once Fireball signs the 64bit driver. Another thing Olaf was working on is trying to shorten the patch queue (http://www.reactos.org/wiki/Bug_Filters) and separate WIP patches from the ready for review patches, and he also began committing translations.
■ Matthias: He is working on patches and minor bug-fixes, with focus on win32 and win32k (espacially alt-tab). All the other ReactOS related tasks have nothing to do with developing.
■ Gregor: He mentioned that he doesn't have as much time as last year, since he works full time now, so he can only offer to help cleaning up bugzilla from time to time, committing patches, reviewing etc. Expect patches to random components from him, but he can't offer much irc activity. He's going through application patches currently.
■ Daniel: Not much time lately. He still hopes to get a new RosBE done in short term.
■ Javier: He tries to introduce new people to #reactos-es, and plans to work more on translations and to also blog about ReactOS in Spanish.
■ Samuel: He is already working on secur32 and started msv1_0.
■ Aleksey: He's trying to finish the ldr rewrite and commit it. Two blocker bugs are preventing him to do this: the first being the DLLs registration failures in the 2nd stage, and the other one is a random Firefox installer hang during file unpacking. When that's done, he plans to move on to organize the massive winesync of the tree, simultaneously trying to fix the remaining heap regressions (with someone?). The main problem is that he's traveling quite often during this time range, and thus can't work on ReactOS as he usually did, so any problem gets longer to solve. He will also continue working on arwinss after those tasks above are complete.
■ Gabriel: He keeps the forum clean on a daily basis (Spam mainly), and he also does small updates to the wiki, Bugzilla maintenance, committing translations and small patches, testing ReactOS and patches. He also added the svn log to the front page of the website and is currently giving some support to a guy that was interested in using ReactOS in his company.
■ Jim: He's mainly working on bug-fixing, especially keyboard messages and message in general.
■ Rafał: He's currently studying for his exams in May, and fixing random bugs from bugzilla during his breaks. He'll eventually help in CMake.
■ Giannis: He started researching his GSoC project and doing some tests. In the meantime he's trying to sort out any work that he started lately but not completed.
■ Johannes: He's mainly working on USB, planning to reach Mike's (mjmartin) driver state in the next few days, as most of the code written now is based on his implementation. He mentioned that today was good day for USB as lots of code got working. His initial goal is to get mass storage working with Win XP (thats the bulk and control transfers), then jump to hub driver and later the USB class driver, but he couldn't really say how long this will take.
■ Timo: He is focusing on his GSoC project.
■ Victor: He was busy this month with real life, but he's trying to create a Testing Forum Team, he hopes to start on it in the upcoming days. He also helps with the website revamp, and he's now preparing for the trip to Berlin for the LinuxTage event.

○ Point 3: Action List proposal

■ Amine referred to http://www.reactos.org/pipermail/ros-dev/2011-April/014148.html for context, and asked the members whether they have any comments/suggestions about it. Nothing came up, so we proceeded to the next point of this meeting.

○ Point 4: Status of the upcoming LinuxTag event preparations

■ Matthias mentioned that the booth is booked and tables and furniture are ordered/reserved. Due to the lack of interest we have only 4 persons as booth personnel. He will ask whether or not we need a day in advance for preparation of booth, and he prefers to setup the booth on first day, as long we don't have to set up a lot of things. Therefore, he hasn't booked a hotel yet. His preferred hotel is too expensive, and as long as we have some changes in persons he thinks it's easier to book single rooms with a price around 50-70€ per night.
■ A brief discussion went on between Victor, Matthias and Gregor about booking, sharing rooms, what to bring...etc

○ Point 5: Website revamp. Current status, who is working, who is willing to help

■ Ziliang mentioned that he's porting content over, trimming a lot of stuff in terms of the 'About' and 'Why ReactOS' sections. He merged some parts into the dev FAQ from the general FAQ, and got the location of the Drupal install from Danny, so that he can start dropping in test modules which will allow us to test main page layouts.
■ The rest of the discussion was just a reiteration of what's already in the website revamp collaborative document.

○ Meeting ended at 23:10 UTC.

○ Minutes submitted by Amine Khaldi.