I recenly found out about this website. I
checked out the sources (great) and tried to run React OS under VMware
player (not so great) and even tried some of my sw to run under it
I have a few questions:
1. I noted some inconsistencies in handling 8-bit/UTF-16
translation in ..A/..W calls between ...A functions in graphics
(TextOut...) and synchronization (CreateSemaphore...). Graphics part
always allocates memory (HeapAlloc) - a waste of time, IMHO.
2. I'm, not sure if is there a list of already checked/done, but not verified/not implemented API?
3. How could I help (I know some C)
PS Meanwhile, I was reading Doxygen & could not figure out how MultiByteToWideChar() works (=i.e. how you implemented it), but I think it calls RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN(), which implements CP -> UTF-16 mapping for currently selected CP, and RtlCustomCPToUnicodeN() for any other CP. Some my programs use MultiByteToWideChar() with CP_UTF8 which is IMHO NOT implemented!?!?
May I work on this (in my spare time)? Is somebody else working on this area?