>Fourth: Re: dirty laundry.  This is almost a non-starter.  Yes, some
>things were said that caused a bit of an uproar.  Yes, the project is
>being held up in some respects.  On the other hand, we have enough
>people here who care enough to give voice to their opinions AND who care
>enough to see the project succeed that the idea that "dirty laundry"
>being aired in public being a bad thing is absurd.  The results say
>otherwise.  Politics has NO place in an engineering project.  None.
>Ever.  Don't let the idea of politics creep in and kill an otherwise
>wonderful thing.

>Fifth:  Personal attacks here are without doubt, worthless.  This is a
>list for developers, coders, and engineers.  To call someone's attitude
>ridiculous goes right back into my previous statement about politics.

I agree hole-heartedly.

"Need-To-Know" is a governments way of admiting to its people that its got a problem (its screwed up). Just how many people where reading the dev list when the laundry bag was emptyed. If someone wanted to know, i'de just email-em the back copys of the offending email. but im not about "who's got the biggest sword", so, if this is just about hiding sh*t, its too late for that.