Hi :)
Well it isnt really old (just 41575-41446= 129).
Im not supporter of including ARM commits to 0.3.10 release, their commits need more testing since they are touching critical code.
We have seen a break build and not booting builds.They are fixed now,but we are taking an extra risk adding these commits to 0.3.10.
I think it´s better to add them to 0.3.11 so we can test in the next 1-2 months.Their first commit was 41503.
Also recently we have synced some code with Wine. Syncs are always small risks.And these risks can lead to regressions.
One wininet sync (as you know) regressed Download! (all downloaded files were corrupted).
Talking about Winesyncs, I think we should sync just after a release is done so we have 1-2 months to discover any regression due to syncing,
and wait until next release to sync again.This can avoid to find regressions caused by a late sync. 
These two reasons push me(ARM+lateSyncs) to not include revisions after 41503.
So 41503-41446= 57 commits.
>From these 57 commits there are a bunch of commits to make ReactOS compatible with MSVC, there are some formatting,reverting and fixing commits.
These are nice commits,but the users arent going to feel them.
A Release is mainly User oriented and a ReactOS checkpoint, imo.
To 41446 is going to be added the "Wininet revert"commit to fix a regression,
if after 41446 you(Devs) have sent other patches which fix regressions tell to Aleksey.
If anyone wants to point a better revision i can hear opinions but then he will have to help me with the re-testing(about 45 apps) :)
Víctor Martínez
GoldenApps Testing Team

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