On Mar 18, 2011 3:43 AM, "Olaf Siejka" <> wrote:
> Dear colleagues
> I am very pleased to inform you that a new builder has been just made
> operational. Named Patch_x86_GCCWin Debug, you can see it waterfall right
> now. Based on x86 RBuild trunk, its capable of downloading a patch from
> bugzilla, applying it to trunk, building reactos testcd and running
> winetests on it via VBox sysreg.
> To use it, just pass revision, as well as Parameter 1, name id, value:
> attachement id.
> For example,
> name: id, value: 5989
> Just the same way you use source for vbox retesting. Right now test ISOs are
> stored, named with x86_Patch, revision and patch id. Logs itself will be
> also stored (when i bugfix them)
> If any issues arise, please mail me or catch me on irc.