On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:14 AM, Olaf Siejka <caemyr@gmail.com> wrote:

I think some of us (including me) are not sure if you're willing to proceed with the project or quite opposite - dropping it. If you are dedicated to move on and finish this assignment, i doubt anyone would be asking questions on why were you missing during the bounding period, provided that Google has no objections on you continuing this project. So if you are set up and ready to develop and Google has no objections, i sincerely dont think anyone here would mind. What really matters is getting the stuff done in time.

Google has absolutely no objections.They just need approval e-mail from my mentor.I hope I gain your trust back by my sincere and hard work.
Best regards

2011/5/26 Neeraj Yadav <neer4j.iit.delhi@gmail.com>

I am a GSoC student working on Audio Mixer Project.Unfortunately, I was not able to contact my mentor/administrator during community bonding period.I have disappointed whole of the community and you have every right to be angry and I am really sorry for my act.But I request you all to reconsider the following points :

1. Firstly, Why would one disappear during community bonding period without any reason ? It is the easiest part of the whole program for a student in which they have to just talk to the community, which I think they have already been doing for not less than a month, then what is the problem in being in contact for another month.
In my opinion a smart student who just wanted his initial payment would have disappeared after the community bonding period.Instead of coming back at the time of actual work.

2. Some of you think that I was waiting for initial payment and then reappeared when i did not get it, I would like to say that I appeared without even knowing that my project has been discontinued, neither had anyone got his welcome package upto that time.Nothing regarding my project discontinuation had been reported in Melange.How could i get even a slightest idea about my project's termination.

3. Some of you think that it is going to hurt the reputation of organisation for next year's selection at GSoC, I would like to admit that terminating my project will straightaway decrease project completion rate of ReactOS organisation to 80% and it may further reduce if some students actually do not complete the project which is considered too bad for an organisation.And believe me next year's sole criterion for organisation selection will be this success rate.

4.Problems occur to every organisation and Google understands it very well and it doesn't affect the organisation's reputation that much.All that matters is the success rate.

5. I talked to Google and they just want an email of consent from my mentor and its not too late.I have filled all my forms in due time.

6. My project would have automatically been discontinued if I failed for Mid-term Evaluation.But no one gets benefit if my project is discontinued earlier.Take a chance guys, If I complete my project it will be good for both me and community if not terminating my project at both 

7. In case above explanations do not satisfy you and if you think this is only money I am after, I am ready to deposit $500 as security which is equal to the initial payment.[or whatever amount you say]

This issue can be discussed in today's meeting.I am ready to answer all of your questions.I hope you will think about it with a cool mind keeping the anger/ego apart.

Neeraj Yadav
Undergraduate Student
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

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